23 Eylül 2011 Cuma
23 Mart 2011 Çarşamba
Dose #2
BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
mind fuck. blublu.org
Tayyip'i Kurtarmak
21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi
20 Mart 2011 Pazar
16 Şubat 2011 Çarşamba
Hikmet Karaman

Tamamen Star'in tenezzul edip lutfen bir mac yayinladigi sampiyonlar ligi yayinindan alintidir: "Sok Arshavin'i cek Nasri'yi saga". Hikmet Karaman canli yayinda Arsene Wenger'e hocalik ogretti ve 91.dakika itibariyle Arsenal 1-0 geriden gelerek 2-1 onde. Yabanci hayranligini birakin artik...
Ahanda bitti mac. Arsene Wenger yapabiliriz, We can! diyordu ve Hikmet Karaman sayesinde yapti.
11 Şubat 2011 Cuma

A graffiti in Athens. Turks and Greeks were always prejudiced against another and there is no love lost between the two sides but in fact it is astonishing how much our lives resemble. So no need for hatred let's love. I love my Greek brothers.

Anti-commercialism in Istanbul streets. Photo: Asli Kaplan


27 Ocak 2011 Perşembe
Anti Commercialism

Hayatin her alaninda endustriyellesme devam ediyoruz, birer birer elimizden gidiyor amator sevdalarimiz, icimizdeki romantikler. Son zamanlarda bagimsizligi, hayal gucunu, ozgurlugu temsil eden bir sokak sanati olan graffiti'den de rant saglanmaya baslandi, artik Istanbul sokaklarinda sagda solda Nike'in Dunk tipi ayakkabilarini cesitli renklerde gorebilmek, adidas stencillari ile beyoglu sokaklarinda karsilasmak mumkun. Belki bir cogunuzun hosunada gidiyordur, belki cok zekice diyorsunuzdur, belki de sokaklarimiz renkleniyor ne guzel diyorsunuzdur ancak bana soracak olursaniz bu yapilan bu ise hayatini vermis, bir cok seyi goze almis insanlara buyuk saygisiziliktir. Ayrica bu tur girisimler(Nike'in veya Adidas'in CEO'sunun sokaklarda bu graffitileri yapmadigini dusunursek) Graffiti sanatcilari arasinda ekonomik kaygilar da dogmasina yol acacak dolayisiyla bu sanatin ozgunlugunu yavasca yitirmesine yol acacaktir.
L'Auriga endustriyellesmeye karsi. Fuck Commerical Street Art!
25 Ocak 2011 Salı
Comandante Ukic

First of all I just want to say that I am writing this entry in English because I envied bloggers, journalists that cover European Basketball and I felt like I had to express my feelings for Roko Ukic.
I did not know who Ukic was before Fenerbahce Ulker signed him right before the Euroleague regular season crucial last game against Zalgiris in Istanbul. Literally FBU played with only one proper point guard the whole group stage(Damir Mrsic who is a legend to Fener fans) before his arrival. Unfortunately Ukic couldn't prevent Zalgiris win over Fener in Istanbul and kissed goodbye to the Euroleague at an early stage. But later in the season he and his comrades claimed the Turkish league title and Ukic earned himself a spot among the hearts of the fans thanks to his control, vision and his scoring abilities. Nevertheless there are a number of people who taught Ukic did not know how to control the tempo of a game like a Greek point guard would and he always chose driving to the hoop rather than earning himself assists.
With the arrival of Ukic's compatriot Neven Sphaija as the head-coach of FBU. Ukic was completely different from last season, he knew how to control the tempo, was fully confident and organized his team mates brilliantly and he did not know have a single turn over after 4 games in Euroleague.
More importantly his, Sphiaja's and Aydin Ors' Fener beat last season's defending champion Barcelona at Palau Blaugrana and defeated title contenders Montepashi Siena by 13 in Istanbul. Now you'll find these performances more impressive when you think that Tanjevic's Fener lost by 55 in Siena last season and lost to Barca both the games by big margins.
And finally last week Fener defeated last years Final Four finalist Olympiacos in Piraeus and Ukic gave a message to Teodosic, Spanoulis and Papaloukas that stated "Yo soy el comandante!". He controlled the tempo of the game until the final buzzer was heard clearly in Piraeus as the renowned Gate 7 of Olympiacos was silent as the dead.
We are marching comandante!
19 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba
The Auriga OST

Daha onceden "The Best Of L'Auriga" etkinlikleri kapsaminda belirli bir sure zarfinda yeni bir sarki koyardim blog'a. Bu sefer farkli bir sey deniyim istedim, bir album yaptim. Ben her albumun genel bir cizgisi olmasi gerektigine inanirim ve sarkilari secerken de buna dikkat ettim. The Auriga OST Vol. 1 daha cok alternatif agirlikli, yer yer post-rock ve pyshcedelic rock iceren sonda ise dinleyenlere guzel bir veda eden bir album oldu. Ben yaparken cok eglendim, gerek kapagi olsun gerek sarki secimi olsun uzun bir aradan sonra blog icin heyecan duyarak bir sey yaptim. Umarim siz de begenir ve zevkle dinlersiniz. Iyi dinlemeler.
The Auriga OST Vol. 1
1. Festus- Mor Ve Otesi
2.Glamorous Glue- Morrisey
3.Commorative T-shirt- Oceansize
4.The Sound Of Muzak- Porcupine Tree
5.Station- Russian Circles
6.The Outsider- A Perfect Circle
7.Rise Up And Fight- Crippled Black Phoenix
8.Sheep- Pink Floyd
9.Keep The Car Running- Arcade Fire
10.Don't Let The Man Get You Down- Fatboy Slim
18 Ocak 2011 Salı
19 Ocak'ta Ne Olmustu?

19 Ocak'ta Agos gazetesi genel yayin yonetmeni Hrant Dink Ogun Samast tarafindan olduruldu. Ogun Samast'a ne mi oldu? Link . Her firsatta davayi erteleyenlerin, arastirilmasi gereken birsey yokmus gibi davrananlarin, suclulari cocuk mahkemesinde yargilatanlarin, asil sucu isleyenleri serbest dolastiranlarin, irkcilik yapanlarin ve yaptiranlarin inadina Hrant Dink'i unutmayacagiz, unutturmayacagiz. Hrant benim. Hrant sensin. Hrant biziz.
6 Ocak 2011 Perşembe
Definetly Not What He Had In His Mind

"Not what I had in mind" (Tsunehisa Kimura, 1968)
Japon sanatci Tsunehisa Kimura'dan Hiroshima ustune.
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